Title: Super Dweeb
Title: Knights vs Dinosaurs
Title: Total Mayhem
Title: Sam Wu
Title: Peter and Ned
Title: Origami Yoda
Title: Terrible Two
Title: Doctor Proctor
Title: My Life As a
Title: Cleopatra in Space
Title: 13 Story
Title: Lunch Lady
Title: Melvin Beederman
Title: Wayside School
Title: Jedi Academy
Title: Max Crumbly
Title: Awesome Dog 5000
Title: Tom Gates
Title: Max Midknights
Title: Dumbest Idea Ever
Title: My Life as a Potato
Title: Galactic Hot Dogs
Title: Cookie Chronicles
Title: Velda the Awesomest Viking
Title: Maple's theory of fun
Title: The very worst ever